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Professional Learning Library


Supporting parents to promote children’s social and emotional wellbeing

This course explores entry points and opportunities for conversations between practitioners and parents which support children’s social and emotional wellbeing. It specifically focuses on conversations which offer support, reassurance, guidance, information, or resources to assist parents in promoting positive mental health in their child.

Emerging Minds


Risk & supervision: Team eLearning Package

Is active supervision and risk management an issue in your team? Support your team with this shared professional learning journey to improve active supervision and to reflect on risk together.

First Door


Pedagogical Provocations

The Pedagogical Provocations professional learning program has been designed to prompt thinking and discussion – individually and in teams. The offerings are meant to be questioned, debated and contested.

The Inclusion Room


Engaging children: Creative conclusions

This course will assist practitioners to develop practice skills in creating opportunities for children to contribute to other families facing similar circumstances, as well as finishing their work with children and families.

Emerging Minds


Supporting children who disclose trauma

This free online course is the third in a series of trauma-related online courses which includes The impact of trauma on the child and Supporting children who have experienced trauma. This course examines practice strategies for supporting children who have disclosed trauma or abuse directly to you or another person, or who are known to have experienced trauma. Supporting children who disclose trauma introduces the ‘Four Ps’ of helping children move beyond self-blame and secrecy after their experiences of abuse:

Emerging Minds


The impact of parental substance use on the child

This course provides you with an introduction to the impact of parental alcohol and other drugs (AOD) use, or substance use, on children.

Emerging Minds

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