eSafety Professional Learning Modules - The Sector
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eSafety Professional Learning Modules

July 25, 2020

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ECA Learning Hub

The eSafety Professional Learning Modules are unique professional learning opportunities developed by the eSafety Commissioner and Early Childhood Australia.


The modules are part of the eSafety Early Years Program which provides online safety advice and tips within a positive framework for prior to school aged children, their parents, carers and their educators in an Australian context.  There are four modules in this series. Three modules are designed for educators and contain practical classroom advice and strategies within eSafety’s four key messages:

  • Be Safe
  • Be kind
  • Ask for help
  • Make good choices


The fourth module provides information and resources for service leaders to enhance policy and practice in online safety at their service.




Early Childhood Australia
t. 02 6242 1800


Early Childhood Australia offers a range of high-quality affordable professional development resources, including print resource books and online professional learning. To learn more, visit

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