Continuity of Early Learning Professional Development program - The Sector
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Continuity of Early Learning Professional Development program

April 05, 2022

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Department of Education and Training Victoria



Strengthen early learning partnerships to help children experiencing vulnerability or disadvantage transition to school.


Applications are now open for the first 2022 cohort of the Continuity of Early Learning Professional Development program run through the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership.


Continuity of Early Learning focuses on strengthening the partnerships – including those between early childhood services, schools, families, carers and other support services – that have the biggest impact on a child’s transition to school.


With an emphasis on supporting children and families experiencing vulnerability and/or disadvantage, the course explores:

  • evidence-based practices for leading continuity of learning and development
  • how teams can implement these practices in their context
  • strategies to work together to achieve the best possible outcomes.


Continuity of Early Learning supports the ‘Positive climate for learning’ priority of the Victorian Education State Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) and the Victorian Early Years Learning Development Framework (VEYLDF) Practice Principles of ‘Respectful relationships and responsive engagement’ and ‘Partnerships with professionals’.



Continuity of Early Learning is designed for teams of 3 to 6 people from primary schools and early childhood services. Teams can comprise any combination of the following:

  • principals
  • assistant principals
  • teachers
  • early learning educators
  • outside-school-hours care providers
  • support service providers, particularly those supporting transitions to school and across early childhood settings.

Early childhood services and schools are encouraged to form a team before applying. Preference will be given to applications from teams that include both early childhood and school staff.

If you are from a non-government school and are interested in participating, please contact the course coordinator to discuss eligibility.



Developed in partnership with the Department of Education and Training’s Early Learning Unit and facilitated by Semann & Slattery.

Semann & Slattery is committed to providing clients with solid evidence to help fix organisational dilemmas, societal issues, or community challenges. They undertake social policy research and consulting for a wide range of clients about communities, children, young people, families, the organisations who work with them and the projects they provide.

Over 4 months, your team is expected to actively engage in and contribute to:

  • a pre-course module (15 minutes)
  • virtual workshops (3 full days)
  • an action research project (8-10 hours)
  • interact with the action research project showcase gallery


Pre-course module

The pre-course module is undertaken in your own time (approximately 15 minutes).

The module introduces the course and provides an overview of the course expectations, requirements and learnings.


Virtual workshops

Workshop 1

Define vulnerability and disadvantage and explore current practices related to continuity of early learning.

Workshop 2

Understand data and evidence-based practices; concepts of continuity and how to collaborate effectively with families.

Workshop 3

Explore how to form effective partnerships through a multidisciplinary approach and enhance student outcomes.


Action research project

In this project, your team will be asked to design and implement a project that relates to a topic of interest about how best to support continuity of early learning in your own context.

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