Editorial guidelines - The Sector
The Sector > Editorial guidelines

Editorial guidelines

The purpose of The Sector is to provide timely and informative articles, including news, opinion, and review articles that address developments or issues relevant to early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector professionals.

Due to the high volume of content received by The Sector, editorial submissions will not be guaranteed publication. Editorial will be selected on the basis of relevance, its submission date and the interest to The Sector’s readership.

The subject matter of material submitted to The Sector must be of direct relevance to professionals that are directly engaged with the ECEC sector.

This includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  • Quality and compliance
  • Regulatory news and updates
  • Policy updates and association advocacy
  • Economic factors and market trends impacting the sector
  • ECEC provider news and updates
  • Opinion articles from sector leaders
  • Personnel movements
  • Leadership, training and development trends
  • Employment and workforce requirements and trends
  • International ECEC case studies and news
  • Latest products and technology.

How to submit an article

The Sector welcomes article submissions from ECEC sector participants at any time.


  • The editorial team may offer suggestions as to where best a contributor’s editorial may be best placed within its feature structure and reserves the right to schedule.
  • Editorial submitted must not be overly promotional in nature.
  • Editorial length and content queries are encouraged to be discussed with The Sector staff prior to development and/or submission.
  • If submitted editorial has already been published elsewhere, the editorial team reserves the right to request other editorial
  • Editorial is encouraged to be submitted in a Microsoft Word format with separately supplied images for consideration of inclusion.
  • Sector Publishing reserves the right to decline editorial if it does not meet its editorial guidelines.

Editorial queries

Editorial queries are best directed to The Sector Editor via email to: editor@thesector.com.au

Advertising queries

Advertising queries are best directed to The Sector Business Development and Marketing Manager, Anna Boshell, available on 0403 526 246 or via anna@thesector.com.au

Please note: The Sector does not accept editorial that is overly promotional in nature. If you are interested in promoting your services, speak with Anna about your marketing options.

Editorial guidelines

  • Articles submitted for publication are subject to editing. The editor reserves the right to edit all material for length, spelling, grammar, defamatory statements or content that negatively refers to competitor organisations. Articles that are libellous or defamatory will not be published following consultation with the contributor. Some follow-up consultation with the contributor may be required following editing.
  • Sector Publishing reserves the right to accept or reject any suggested changes made by the submitting author in accordance with Sector Publishing’s editorial style guide.
  • Submitted editorial that is subjective or expresses a strong opinion will be reviewed by the editorial team closely and may be by-lined so as to denote its subjectivity.
  • Company or product news is accepted, however it is encouraged that submissions are not overly promotional.
  • Any content submitted should be wholly original, and should not be content that has been previously published, or is soon to be published, in another B2B publication. Where the content that is supplied has been previously published, or is soon to be published, in another B2B publication, Sector Publishing reserves the right to edit or rewrite the content to create an original article.
  • Multiple versions of the content will not be accepted. Sector Publishing will work with the first version of the content that is sent.
  • Content should be supplied in an editable word document. 2-3 high resolution images (300 dpi, 1MB – 3MB) should be supplied with the content at the deadline.
  • Contributors should submit a short biography and head shot to be published with their content.