OWNA’s safety credentials boosted as feature aligns with Code
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OWNA’s child safety credentials boosted as new feature aligns with Model Code for Images

by Jason Roberts

July 09, 2024

OWNA, the award winning childcare management software provider, has released a new set of feature enhancements that make it easier for approved providers to control more effectively access to areas of their app that may contain images or videos of children. 


The move comes after the recent launch by ACECQA, in partnership with all Governments, of “The National Model Code for Taking Images or Videos of Children,” and will offer approved providers a greater degree of flexibility and control over access to certain parts of the OWNA app. 


“It is no secret to our user community that we take our responsibilities as important stakeholders in all aspects of their organisations very seriously,” Kheang Ly, OWNA’s Chief Executive Officer said.


“That is why we moved quickly to introduce enhancements that speak directly to key recommendations in the Code and in turn give approved providers another important lever in their efforts to support child safe culture.” 


More flexibility for providers as they implement Code recommendations


This National Model Code, which was developed for approved providers,educators, other staff and volunteers, consists of four key guidelines that aim to uphold child safe practices when using electronic devices to take images or videos of children.


The first three guidelines focus on limiting the use of personal devices at a service with the fourth guideline recommending that approved providers should have strict controls in place for the appropriate storage and retention of images and videos of children.


“Historically, OWNA has prided itself on the quality and sophistication of its security and privacy capabilities embedded within the platform,” Kheang said.


“What is particularly valuable for us, our user community and the children we serve is that we are now able to offer providers the option to more actively curate who has access to which areas of their OWNA app, and at what times.”


User feedback already highlighting importance of enhancements  


As a community led platform it is perhaps not overly surprising that with the launch of new limit and restrictions functionality additional feedback on further enhancements are beginning to filter back to the OWNA development team.


“One of our strongest points of difference has always been our ability to listen and then move quickly to respond to our user community needs.” Kheang said. 


“Having moved fast to provide additional flexibility to providers in the wake of the Code’s release we are now working hard to build on this early move and in turn further deepen adherence to fostering child safe environments and cultures.”


An important next area of focus will be on offering providers with not just the comfort that the guidelines are being met across their organisations but also that there is access to datasets that can demonstrate their adherence if required. 


To learn more about the powerful innovations OWNA has to take your ECEC service to the next level please visit the OWNA website.

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