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The Sector is Australia’s only online news website dedicated to providing early childhood education and care (ECEC) business news, information and analysis to ECEC centre managers, educators, regional managers, executives, owners, financiers, landlords, and suppliers. Our respected team has over 30 years combined experience in the ECEC, finance and publishing sectors. 

We are an independent media source that understands the sector: our team’s unique skill set combines sector knowledge with the publishing and marketing expertise to extend your company’s reach. And we’re dedicated to this – 24/7.

Our mission 

“To provide accurate, timely and relevant news, views and reviews on developments, issues and products that impact all stakeholders engaged with the early childhood education and care sector in Australia, and in so doing give our readership a “trusted voice” that they can rely on day in and day out.”

Get in touch

To discuss opportunities to market your services to the ECEC sector, contact Anna Boshell on 0403 526 246 or

Advertising terms and conditions

  1. These Terms must be read together with the Order Details above and apply to all advertising provided by Sector Publishing Pty Ltd ABN 65 625 595 986 (“Sector Publishing”) to the advertiser referred to in the Order Details (“Customer”). Customer includes an advertiser on whose behalf advertising is placed and any media company or agency that arranges the advertising for its clients. By signing the Order Details form (whether signed in hardcopy or electronically) , submitting any artwork or payment for any advertising services supplied by Sector Publishing under these Terms (“Advertising”), the Customer shall be deemed to have accepted these Terms and to have agreed that they shall apply to the exclusion of all others.
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  3. In these Terms,
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Other items

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